As a teenager I was beyond blessed with not having a weight issue.
October 2011
When I was 18 I had a pretty standard weight for someone of my height, I
still was not exercising in any form. I met my husband and was married
by the age of 19. A married life of late dinners and nights out quickly
spun out of control and before I knew it I was 180lbs and was mortified.
I went on Adkins in 2005 and got down to 145lbs in roughly 5 months.
Then I went off Adkins.....within a year I was 190lbs, and then I got
pregnant with my first child. My son was born in March of 2007 and I
delivered him at 234lbs. How do I know all this....because I have hated
myself for a long time and I remember all these numbers because the
number on the scale has been an obsession for a long time for me. So in
May of 2007 I decided it was time to fix my weight. I started weight took 40 weeks to lose 65lbs, my mind wasn't in the right
place but I got down to 145lbs and once again I stopped. I quit
everything, no more biking or dancing, I went right back to the same old
lifestyle of not watching what I was doing, by 2011 I was 175lbs again
and foundmyself
pregnant with our second child. I delivered our daughter at 224lbs.
Nursing her will be one of the most rewarding and humbling things I have
ever done. I tried to diet while nursing her but my supply kept
dropping so I decided to focus on her and I could work on me when she
stopped. In October of 2012 I was 205lbs, I hated myself, I had worked
so hard to lose weight and I was right back where I started. I spent a
few months trying to lose weight and got myself down to 198lbs.
January 2013 I made a vow I would not make a weight loss resolution, I
had an awful attitude and one of my biggest problems in my life was the
way I looked at things. Everything was the end of the world, everything
was negative, even when something was going right I would come up with
at least 3 ways it could go wrong. I needed an attitude adjustment, I
September 2013
that my resolution would be to be more positive. On January 4th I
started my weight loss journey, I put my mind in a different place, this
wasn't a diet like last time, it was a lifestyle I needed to change and
this was my training on how to live the rest of my life. In May I was
down 30lbs and I found of the greatest gifts I have ever
been given,
January 2013 to July 2013
running has given me so many wonderful things confidence, power,
strengthen, and it is easily the best therapy I have ever had. I have
been struggling with my weight loss both physically and mentally since
July. I have had a slow decline in my weight but one thing has changed,
my actual size. I am slimmer than I ever have been, while my weight
seems to be maintaining in a 5lbs range that I don't want it to be in,
my clothes are baggy again and I'm reaching a point where I have no
jeans to wear. The mental stress of constantly trying to be "perfect"
has gotten to me. Tonight on my run I had a long talk with myself and
really looked at me. I wasn't happy....wasn't one of the biggest points
of getting here to be happy? I haven't been truly happy for months now
because I'm so pressured to get this weight off. But who is pressuring one....I am. I have engrained it in my mind that my body will
be perfect at a certain weight and that isn't the case anymore. What I
want changed about my body most likely isn't a weight issue pound wise,
it's a toning and slimming issue. Yeah a few more pounds may come off
but my goal should be to tone and tighten not lose pounds. When this
clicked in my head on my run I found myself crying, my body will never
be perfect, no one has a perfect body that is real. Everyone has
something they don't like, my body has done amazing things. It has wear
and tear from carrying two amazing little people and it has gone
October 2013
October 2013
from obese to healthy in less than 6 months. My body is amazing, it
isn't perfect but it is amazing none the less. The pressure of weight
loss isn't here anymore, it's loving and taking care of my body...that
is my focus now. I am different than the 145lbs Staci of 2008.....I'm
better than her, I'm stronger, healthier and far more active than she
was. If my weight number wise hits the 130's that's great I will
defiantly be over the moon....but if I stay in the 140's for the rest of
my life that is ok too because as long as I get out there and run and
stay in control of who I am than I have reached the ultimate goal of
what I set out to achieve. I am happy, healthy and above all I am a role
model for my children. One of my favorite things my son asks me in the
mornings.."Did you go on your run Mommy?"
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