Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Weightloss Superstar! Marsha Dunsmoor

  Meet Marsha, a 50 year old from Iowa who proves age doesn't matter when it comes to getting fit and healthy! She is not only in the best shape of her life but she is a beachbody coach who daily inspires others to take back who they once where and become the person they've always wanted to be! Check out her story below!  

Marsha before her journey in 2010

When did you start your journey? November 2010

What is your favorite exercise routine?  I have become addicted to exercise, but not any one routine.  I love anything that gets me moving, but my favorite programs would have to be Turbo Fire, T25, P90X3 and Combat.  I used to be a cardio freak and did a lot of running, but my knees can no longer take the pounding.  I still love cardio, just not the running. I have learned to really love strength training and what it can do for me as a woman and work that in each week. Music makes a big difference for me, so the more rockin’ the music, the higher my burn!

What's on your playlist that gets you pumped?  Christian Rock, 80’s Rock and Roll and current Contemporary Hits

How much weight have you lost total? 48 lbs

What tips do you have for someone still working towards their goal?  Be patient and never give up.  You WILL run into obstacles, it’s inevitable. You may hit plateaus and the pounds may not come off as quickly as you would like but it is as much about health and fitness as pounds and ounces!  Just remember, you didn’t gain it overnight and you won’t lose it overnight either.  Eat as clean as possible, drink a lot of water and of course, exercise daily!  Those 3 things will get you the results you want. Oh and find someone to help you with accountability and support along the way.  This makes such a big difference!

How did you lose the weight/ what plan did you follow?  I did (2) 90 day Beachbody challenges and found that working out does not have to be a chore.  Adding Shakeology once a day gave me the needed energy to get through my day and gives me my daily dose
of dense nutrition.  I then became a Beachbody coach and have found that being able to help others is my passion and helps me to stay accountable!

What's your favorite "cheat" meal?  Donuts!  Oh you said meal.  That would have to be Pizza I guess.

What is your favorite snacks? Apples, bananas, string cheese, almonds, cantaloupe, strawberries, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal.

What's your favorite motivational quote or saying?  “If you don’t’ like how things are, change it!  You’re not a tree.” Jim Rohn   This quote speaks to every aspect of our lives from our jobs, to our family to our health and fitness.                                                                It’s all up to you!

Who is your biggest inspiration? Overall it would have to be my Dad.  I grew up wanting nothing but to be like him, strong and caring!

How much more weight do you want to lose? None.  I am maintaining now

Have you always had a weight issue?  Not until I hit my late 30’s.  Then I yo yo’d with my weight for years!!  Now I may gain a few and then lose them, but I will NEVER go back to the girl I was!

What made you decide to start losing weight?  When I was at the point of needing to purchase THAT size of pants that I had never worn.  I told myself that’s it, I will not buy those and I suffered in my tight pants until I started losing the inches. 

Way to go on all your success Marsha!!!!
Way to go Marsha on your success on not only losing the weight but maintaining!!!! You are such an inspiration to others! If you are interested in shakeology or any of the other beach body products hit Marsha up at or on her Facebook page:

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