Sunday, November 3, 2013

Give EM 5! An 8k honoring Veterans.

RUN RUN RUN RUN.....I find myself screaming this in my head at least once a run, I see the old me when I close my eyes, she kind of floats in front of me as I run towards her....she is overweight, unhappy and eating a big platter of pizza rolls. She is seriously enjoying those pizza rolls but her eyes are sad because inside she hates herself.....she looks up at me and says, "Don't you dare give up, slow down if you must but you better not stop. GO GO GO.....RUN!"

My weight has been an issue for the past 11 years of my life. This year I made a change to be better and stop hiding behind the excuse that it's just my genes or I've had two children. I wanted to be a better person not only to find happiness in my own skin but to be better for my children.  I started exercising as part of my new lifestyle and I was mainly doing step aerobics and some cardio classes via the kinect. In May one of my friends who was on a weight loss journey as well started running. Listening to her talk about it and how much she liked it spiked an interest in me. I had never run before and I liked the idea of burning so many calories so I decided to give it a try. I just went one day, got out there and ran like someone was chasing me, only walking when I felt like I was going to faint. It took me somewhere in the 17 minute range to run under 1.5 miles. Everything hurt and I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it again but there was something there....a passion. It was so freeing to get out there and go, I spent about three weeks doing this routine, and at the end I was hurting so much in my hips and shins I just couldn't do it anymore. I was going to quit, it made me so sad but I felt like I was being unhealthy in hurting myself so I would just go back to the stepping. A friend who honestly I don't talk to on a regular basis at all stepped in and said "talk to me...don't give up." She spent an hour of her time on the phone with me.....I realized I was doing so many things wrong...who knew that there was a wrong way to run. Believe me there was and I was doing. In that hour Wendy gave me the gift of running. I interval makes me no less a runner than some who runs non stop and it makes me no more a runner than someone who runs less than me. I've run non stop before and I am always amazed by people who do it but for me I am happiest when I do my intervals.

 Today I ran my second race, an 8k honoring veterans, my longest distance race as well, yeah I run 5-6 miles four times a week but the thought of doing this in honor of veterans it somehow felt different. This cause has always held a special place in my heart, I hate when I see a Veteran homeless or asking for breaks my heart. I'm so proud to
Before the race
say I have many veterans in my family but this race was always intended to be dedicated to my Dad and Grandpa. I wanted my grandpa to look down on me today and be proud. I hate that growing up I didn't get to know him very well, but I will always be honored to be his granddaughter and I am so proud of what he did for our country.

I was worried about where the run was taking place....I know in PA there are hills everywhere but on my weekly runs I try to avoid most of them. I run for the joy of it and hills really make it difficult and these are not baby someone from FL they are mini mountains =) When the race started I felt the need to run like I was being chased (I kinda was but you know what I mean) and I had to really get my brain in gear and remember how I run and what I was doing. We rounded the corner from the starting line and I saw it.....a massive hill in front of me....I knew they were going to be there but the sight of it made my chest seize up. I can't tell you how many people passed me but I felt like everyone that was behind was ahead of me now....and I thought ok you aren't going to win anything here so you need to relax and run for Dad. My Dad..I miss him...growing up I was the biggest daddy's girl...I see the way my daughter is with my husband and it just
Dad and Me 1990
melts my heart because I had that type of relationship with my dad. I let go of the "race", I let go of the urgency I felt and I started running. I let running do what it has always done for me.....heal me. My Dad and I live far away from each other and I don't talk to him as much as I'd like but he will always be my Dad no matter how old I get....I was always think of him with the fondest that I did when I was little.

Shhh don't tell anyone the Iron Patriot is my son! =)
There were about 5 hills total but I swear that whole route was on an legs are sore right now saying....oh yeah that was an incline. My son wanted to wear his Iron Patriot costume today and at the half way mark I saw his little suit in the distance and I ignored the hill in front of me and focused on his little bouncing body screaming my name. I adore that little boy, he has the sweetest heart, when I told him about the race today ans what Veteran's
Half way there! Waving to my sweeties!
are he told me he wanted to wear his costume because it was "American Colors" he said it was his way to show them respect. You better believe I was all for it! =)

Today's race brought up a lot of emotions in me and at one point I felt like I was going to cry but I knew I couldn't fall apart....I was going to finish this and I may not beat everyone but that didn't matter I was going to beat myself. When I crossed the finish line at 43.58 I was floored. My fastest time so far was 9 min mile which I pulled off yesterday. Today not only did I beat the hills....I ran a 8.42 min mile, and I placed 1st
Crossing the finish line
place in my age group! I am in no way trying to brag here, I believe a 20 minute mile is just as awesome as a 5 minute mile because in the end they are both still a mile but when I think of the 200lbs Staci from January and how I wouldn't have walked 5 miles let alone run it....I am amazed at what our bodies can do when we take control of our minds. Running isn't for everyone, if you would have told me after that first run in May that I would be running like this 6 months later I probably wouldn't have believed you.
Some runs are amazing, some are emotionally charged, some just suck and they feel like
they will never end, but for me to get up an hour early just to run....that's a big deal. My passion for it grows daily and I love when I see someone running I get the longing to be out there running too or when I travel down a gorgeous road one of my first thoughts is "I'd love to run here."
My advice for anyone wanting to try running, talk to someone who knows what they are doing, research it, because I didn't know what I was doing and I came so close to never having this gift. I am by no means and expert but I do have a better idea of what I'm doing and I'm always a message away if anyone wants help getting started.
I want to end this blog by saying thank you once again to Wendy. You gave me the tools to unlock the runner within and she is forever thankful.

Dad and Me 2010
 To my Dad and all the amazing veteran's in my two special veterans in Heaven my Grandpa and Mr. Smith....I hope I made you all proud today. <3

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